The Crazy Book Lady's Cats
The Crazy Book Lady has always been a lover of all animals, great and small. She is particularly fond of rescuing black cats, who, through no fault of their own, have gotten a really bad rap throughout history. Our logo even features a black cat on a pile of books. We almost always have a book store cat to keep us, and our guests company.

Morty is one of our resident Bookstore Cats. He does not like to be held, but he will usually let you pet him. If he's enjoying pets, if you sit on the floor, he may even hop into your lap. (don't force him)

Mindy is our newest resident Bookstore Cat. She loves to play and be pet. When not playing, she loves to cuddle with Morty.

Tinkerbell (Tink)
From August 2018 to March 2019, Tinkerbell, a.k.a Tink, was our Bookstore Cat. Despite her grumpy appearance, she was a kind cat who liked to be petted and was tolerant of being an Instagram model. She was 16-years-old when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge and now she watches over the store.